Write a Biography of Carmen
Spanish Language Learners– Inspired by Carmen Sandiego™ Episode 1, kids write a brief biography of Carmen.

Practice Your Writing Skills
Kids practice their writing, researching, and collaboration skills as they create a short biography of the globetrotting hero.
Activity Instructions
Kids write a brief biography of Carmen based on the information they learned in Parts 1 and 2 of “Becoming Carmen Sandiego.”
- Have your kids include the following: birthplace, where she was raised, favorite activities, teachers, what she learned, and what she was like as a child. Support novice-level learners by providing a graphic organizer to help them categorize the information. Then lead a whole-class brainstorming session to elicit the vocabulary students will need to complete this task.
- Have kids proof their work for grammar, spelling, and conventions.
- Have kids exchange papers and peer edit.
- Have kids make any necessary changes and add images to illustrate their paragraph.
- Kids publish to a class website or post around the room.