Find the Perfect Hideout
Spanish Language Learners– Inspired by Carmen Sandiego™ Episode 9, kids work in small groups to discuss what makes a hideout perfect.

Where Would YOU Hide?
In Episode 9, Carmen tries to hide from VILE somewhere she can’t be found. Kids find and discuss places that would make a good hideout.
Activity Instructions
Kids locate the perfect spot to get away from it all.
- Explain that Carmen begins this episode on vacation in Tahiti, French Polynesia, where she thinks nobody will find her. As a class, find Tahiti on the map. What makes it a great hideout? Brainstorm a list of characteristics in Spanish of a great “hideout.”
- Break the class into small groups and have them find more perfect hideouts all over the globe. Have kids present their hideout locations to the class with the reasons why they chose them.