Find Spanish Treasure!
Spanish Language Learners – Inspired by Carmen Sandiego™ Episode 4, kids research and write about a famous sunken Spanish treasure.

Dive Deep for Sunken Mysteries
In Episode 4, Carmen and her crew search for Spanish treasure in a shipwreck. Have your kids look for information about other famous Spanish treasures lost at sea and write a short piece about their findings.
Activity Instructions
Kids research and write a short paragraph about a famous Spanish treasure that was lost at sea. Prepare kids for this task by providing vocabulary words they may not know, such as tesoro, naufragio, and barco.
- Have kids conduct research on famous Spanish treasures that were lost at sea.
- After conducting research, each kid should write a short paragraph including the name of the ship, where it was lost, what was onboard, and whether it was ever recovered and, if so, when and by whom.
- Have kids share their paragraphs in small groups or as a whole class.